Learn more about Grizzly Bears and their Conservation
Percy Walkus Hatchery – Salmonid Enhancement Society
Further demonstrates H’aiagal’ath Grizzly Bear Tours sustainability goals to support economic growth opportunities for W’ui’kinuxv citizens.
Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF)
Protecting, conserving and restoring wild Pacific Salmon populations in British Columbia and the Yukon.
The International Association of Bear Research and Management (IBA)
A professional organization whose members are comprised of professional biologists, wildlife managers, NGOs and others dedicated to the conservation of all bear species. Visit the IBA page to learn more about the eight bear species. The IBA produces the peer-reviewed journal, Ursus, and a quarterly newsletter. Information on the IBA website is written and reviewed by bear biologists.
Be Bear Aware by visiting WildSafeBC, which evolved out of the highly successful Bear Aware program and is owned and delivered by the British Columbia Conservation Foundation. The motto of WildSafeBC is “keeping wildlife wild and communities safe.”