Meet our Inspiring Team
Terry REID
‘Haikalalis Terry Reid descends from W’ui’kinuxv and Hailhzaqv ancestry and comes from the House of Hailhamas. ‘Haikalalis comes from a story of the children of the sun and moon. Dedicated to learning the ’Uik̓ala language, Terry has become a ’Uik̓ala language specialist and has learned the W’ui’kinuxv stories, dances and songs. Within the W’ui’kinuxv potlatch system, he holds the speaker position. Terry works with FirstVoices, an initiative of the First Peoples’ Cultural Council designed to support Indigenous cultural revitalization. FirstVoices offers web-based tools and services for archiving and teaching language. Terry leads numerous language digitization projects and serves on W’ui’kinuxv treaty, education, stewardship, and housing advisory committees. All guests of H’aiagal’ath Grizzly Bear Tours are welcomed by Terry to W’ui’kinuxv Territory. He encourages you to experience the abundance of the land. “Everything in our lands can provide food and medicines... please take care of all things around you when you enter our lands.”
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